Movement Metrics Research
About This Site
Who We Are
Why We Created This
The Momentum Organizing Model
Overview: What is Momentum?
Approaches to social change
Changing dominant institutions
Changing the political weather
Views of power
Active & passive support
Trigger events
Doing the work: cycles of Momentum
Studying Movements
A brief overview of civil resistance studies
Measuring participation in a movement
Measuring public opinion in movements
Further reading resources
Funding Movements
Funders’ typical approach to social change
Existing suggestions for funders
What Momentum means for funding
Occupy Wall Street
Active support for Occupy Wall Street
Passive support for Occupy Wall Street
Black Lives Matter
Active support for BLM
Passive support for BLM
Case study: #ByeAnita campaign
Additional criminal justice research
Immigrants' Rights
Active & passive support for the 2006 megamarches
Active & passive support for DREAM activism
Same-sex Marriage
Public opinion: key ingredient in same-sex marriage fight
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Studying Movements
Studying Movements
A brief overview of civil resistance studies
Measuring participation in a movement
Measuring public opinion in movements
Further reading resources
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